Frequently asked questions
What is taskm8?
taskm8 is a web based linking platform who’s primary function is “Linking people with a need to people with the solution”.
What is the name taskm8?
taskm8 is a combination of 2 words which describe the person who submits a task and the m8 (person) who undertakes completion of the task, hence taskm8.
Do I have to pay to create an account?
In order to post a task you must first create an account, it is free to create this account and to post your task on the taskm8 platform.
What tasks can I post?
A need, (known as a task), can pretty much be anything that you require doing around the house, within the community or the workplace. People who post a task onto the platform are referred to as “taskers” and they confirm, when posting, the price they are willing to pay for their posted task to be completed.
What tasks can I not post?
taskm8 has been established to link people with a need to people with a solution. Therefore the number and type of task are too numerous to mention. This said any task posted must be moral, ethical and lawful. Any breach of these three areas will result in the immediate removal from the taskm8 platform of any offending individuals.
Who requests the tasks?
Tasks are requested by any registered individual who has a task to be completed. These individuals are referred to as taskers.
Who performs the tasks?
People offering, via the platform, to carry out the task are referred to as mates or “m8’s” to the tasker and effectively become a taskm8.
Can I offer to complete any task posted?
Yes, however it is important that you have the necessary skills, and physical ability to complete the task in an acceptable manner for the tasker. Any tasks requested that require a legal requirement during or following completion must be carried out in line with these requirements.
Important note: Certain tasks posted will be subject to differing levels of “Safeguarding Requirements”. These tasks will require that the necessary checks and certificates are in place.
How is the price set and agreed?
Importantly this is not a bidding process and the task requested by the “tasker” must be completed at the posted amount. Of course it is up to the m8 whether he accepts the task at this price or not and it is up to the tasker to increase the price if the need arises.
Can I offer a different price to complete a task as a m8?
No, all tasks need to be completed at the posted price. This enables and ensures that those posting tasks do so at a price the meets their own personal circumstances and budgets.
Is this price fixed or negotiable?
When posting your task you decide the task price you want to pay. This price is non-negotiable and people proposing to complete the task will not try to increase your posted task price. This ensures that your task can only be completed within your budget.
Who is a tasker?
A tasker is a person who posts a task for completion on the taskm8 platform.
Who requests the tasks?
Tasks are requested by any registered individual who has a task to be completed. These individuals are referred to as Taskers.
Do I have to pay to create an account?
In order to post a task you must first create an account, it is free to create this account and to post your task on the taskm8 platform.
How is the price set and agreed?
Importantly this is not a bidding process and the task requested by the “tasker” must be completed at the posted amount. Of course it is up to the m8 whether he accepts the task at this price or not and it is up to the tasker to increase the price if the need arises.
How much do I pay for the completion of a task?
You decide the price you want to pay for the completion of the task. You can refer to the “recently posted tasks” section for a guide on pricing. It is important that you offer a reasonable price for the completion of the task. Undervalued tasks are likely to receive little or no response.
You should also ensure that you provide a fair and accurate description of the task required. The inclusion of a photograph will help in demonstrating exactly what task you want completing along with a clear description.
Is this price fixed or negotiable?
When posting your task you decide the task price you want to pay. This price is non-negotiable and people proposing to complete the task will not try to increase your posted task price. This ensures that your task can only be completed within your budget.
What can I do if I receive no offers to complete the task?
If no offers to complete the task are made, then you can either increase your offer price or remove the task. There are no charges applicable for cancelling the task prior to acceptance from a m8.
How do I review offers to do my task?
Having posted your task you can now review the responses. These responses will be from registered people known as m8’s. You are the tasker and they are your mate or m8.
How do I select the right m8?
Offers to complete the task will be made from the registered taksm8 community. These people are known as mates or m8’s. You can review their profiles, location and rating which will include comments from previous users before selecting your chosen m8.
How do I compare and choose my m8’s?
You can review their profiles, location and rating which will include comments from previous users. Remember they will not negotiate to carry out your task, this can only be completed at the price you have dictated.
How do I communicate with my m8?
Once you confirm with your m8 that you want them to carry out your task you will be able to exchange all the necessary contact details so that you can arrange completion of the task.
If a m8 offers to carry out the task how do I confirm acceptance?
To select your m8 simply use the Accept Offer button and this will link you with the m8 and assign the task.
Can I leave comments or reviews about the task completed and my m8?
Remember this is a mutually beneficial platform, you have a task completed and your m8 receives the reward for their efforts. We would therefore encourage you to leave a review and rate your m8 to assist them in securing future task work.
How do I confirm completion of the task and authorise payment?
Your m8 will normally verbally confirm completion of the task to you. If you are not in attendance the m8 will confirm completion via the web-site or mobile application. Once you receive this notification and are happy that the task has been fully completed you will authorise payment to the m8 via the web-site or mobile application.
Who performs the tasks?
People offering, via the platform, to carry out the task are referred to as mates or “m8’s” to the tasker and effectively become a taskm8.
How is the price set and agreed?
Importantly this is not a bidding process and the task requested by the “tasker” must be completed at the posted amount. Of course it is up to the m8 whether he accepts the task at this price or not and it is up to the tasker to increase the price if the need arises.
Can I offer a different price to complete a task as a m8?
No, all tasks need to be completed at the posted price. This enables and ensures that those posting tasks do so at a price the meets their own personal circumstances and budgets.
How do I arrange to complete jobs?
To carry out jobs, (known as tasks), you must first register and create an account with taskm8. It is free to create this account and once completed you will be able to view and make offers to carry out tasks that are appropriate for you.
How do I create an account?
You can register as either a tasker or a m8, or indeed both. (Registration is free). You can register here.
If I see a task that I would like to complete, what is the Process I follow?
To see how taskm8 works you can view our introductory video click here. You can make an offer to complete the task through the tskm8 web-site or mobile application. If the tasker selects you they simply use the Accept Offer button and this will link you with the tasker and assign the task.
How is the price set and agreed?
Importantly this is not a bidding process and the task requested by the “tasker” must be completed at the posted amount. Of course it is up to the m8 whether they accept the task at this price or not.
Can I offer a different price to complete a task as a m8?
No, all tasks need to be completed at the posted price. This enables and ensures that those posting tasks do so at a price the meets their own personal circumstances and budgets.
How do I understand the full details of the task?
As a m8 you can view any task posted by any tasker. In each case there will be a brief description and where appropriate an attach photograph that relates to the task requiring completion giving you clear understanding of the requirement.
When do I complete the task?
You will be given details of the location where the task is required completing. The tasker will have suggested a completion date and time, this can be either fixed or within a window covering a number of days, this is known as a “complete by date” request.
Can I change the completion date if it is not convenient?
Once your offer to complete the task has been accepted by the tasker you will be given the opportunity to exchange contact details to make arrangements to complete the task. At this point you may be able to arrange a more mutually convenient completion date.
Can I offer to complete any task posted?
Yes, however it is important that you have the necessary skills, and physical ability to complete the task in an acceptable manner for the tasker. Any tasks requested that require a legal requirement during or following completion must be carried out in line with these requirements.
Important note: Certain tasks posted will be subject to differing levels of “Safeguarding Requirements”. These tasks will require that the necessary checks and certificates are in place.
What is the name taskm8?
taskm8 is a combination of 2 words which describe the person who submits a task and the m8 (person) who undertakes completion of the task, hence taskm8.
How does taskm8 work?
To see how taskm8 works you can view our introductory video click here.
In brief taskm8 works as follows:
You can register as either a tasker or a m8, or indeed both. (Registration is free). You can register here.
As a tasker;
You post a brief description and attach a photograph, if appropriate, that relates to the task requiring completion.
You will then give details of the location where the task is required completing.
You can then suggest a date and time, this can be either fixed or within a window covering a number of days, this is known as a “complete by date” request.
Confirm the price you are willing to pay for completion of the task. (This is a fixed price set by you and non-negotiable by anyone responding to your post).
Post your task, free of charge, it’s as simple as that.
As a mate or m8;
Having registered you can view posted tasks from the taskm8 website or via the application.
Simply select and make an offer to carry out any task that meets your criteria. (You must carry the task out at the posted price).
If the tasker selects you to carry out the task then their contact details will be released to you so that you can confirm the necessary arrangements.
You will complete the task at a convenient time and receive payment.
Do I have to pay to create an account?
In order to post a task you must first create an account, it is free to create this account and to post your task on the taskm8 platform.
How is the price set and agreed?
Importantly this is not a bidding process and the task requested by the “tasker” must be completed at the posted amount. Of course it is up to the m8 whether he accepts the task at this price or not and it is up to the tasker to increase the price if the need arises.
Is this price fixed or negotiable?
When posting your task you decide the task price you want to pay. This price is non-negotiable and people proposing to complete the task will not try to increase your posted task price. This ensures that your task can only be completed within your budget.
Do I have to cover expenses for the m8?
The task price is the price you will pay for the completion of the posted task. Once you have agreed with your m8 to carry out the task you can agree on any subsequent costs or charges. These could include but are not limited to the cost of any materials to complete the task.
How do I pay any agreed expenses?
Additional cost or expenses agreed outside of the task contract (need to rename this), should be treated as a separate transaction and settled independently of the task contract.
What is the task contract?
The task contract is an agreement between the tasker and the m8 that is created only when the tasker and the m8 have confirmed cooperation in completing the task. For additional information please refer to task contract.
How do I confirm completion of the task and authorize payment?
Your m8 will normally verbally confirm completion of the task to you. If you are not in attendance the m8 will confirm completion via the web-site or mobile application. Once you receive this notification and are happy that the task has been fully completed you will authorise payment to the m8 via the web-site or mobile application.
What is the payment process for the task completion?
Once you have posted your task an amount equal to the task price is taken and held in a secure fund controlled by the payment provider of taskm8.
When does the m8 receive payment?
Once you confirm completion of the task either on-line or by means of the taskm8 application your payment will be credited to your m8’s wallet.
What is a Wallet?
A Wallet is a secure E-Wallet (Escrow Account), that is created for you the first time you post a task. Your funds are held securely within this wallet until you have confirmed satisfactory completion of the task. The m8 will also have a secure E-Wallet where payments for tasks completed are held.
What is a secure fund?
The secure fund is a unique E-Wallet (Escrow Account), that is created for you the first time you post a task. Your funds are held securely within this wallet until you have confirmed satisfactory completion of the task.
What happens if I cancel the task before I accept an offer to complete it from a m8?
If you remove or cancel a task before you have accepted a m8 to complete the task then your payment funds will be returned to you in full within 2 working days minus 1.4% + 20p ( see the link to taskm8 costs below)
What happens if I cancel the task after I accept an offer to complete it from a m8?
You can remove or cancel a task even after you have agreed for a m8 to complete the task but will incur the 1.4% + 20p ( see the link to taskm8 costs below)
Who are Mangopay
Mangopay has been a leading payment solution specializing in providing payment infrastructure for marketplaces for the past ten years
Who needs to verify their account?
Only a M8 will need to verify their account as they are receiving payment, M8’s will only need to verify their account once. A M8 can still complete tasks and accumulate monies into their Digital Wallet it is only when you transfer funds into your Bank Account that you will need to verify.
Why do I need to verify my account?
The payout stage of the payments workflow is highly regulated. Mangopay our payment provider has legal obligations to verify the identity of users who wish to pay money out to their bank account
How is the price set and agreed?
Importantly this is not a bidding process and the task requested by the “tasker” must be completed at the posted amount. Of course it is up to the m8 whether he accepts the task at this price or not and it is up to the tasker to increase the price if the need arises.
Who holds the information for verification purposes?
The documentation you provide for verification is held within Mangopay not taskm8, the only information taskm8 holds are:
• First name
• Last name
• Email
• Date of birth
• Address
• Nationality
What companies use MANGOPAY?
Today, over 2,500 platforms use MANGOPAY’s payment solutions such as VINTED, Chrono24, Rakuten, Pumpkin and Leetchi. MANGOPAY is a brand of Leetchi Group and part of Credit Mutuel Arkéa.
Mangopay e-wallet system
Mangopay’s payments solution relies on electronic wallets. These wallets hold the funds processed by Mangopay on behalf of platforms and their users and can be transferred to your Bank Account within 1 day
Is MANGOPAY secure?
MANGOPAY cooperates with each Partner in order to ensure the protection of your Personal Data. Furthermore, MANGOPAY cooperates with each Partner in order to ensure the highest level of security of your Personal Data and to respond as efficiently as possible to any of your requests
Who is Mangopay regulated by?
MANGOPAY is an authorised Electronic Money Institution (EMI), licensed in Luxembourg and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK under the Temporary Permissions Regime (TPR).
There 2 types of fees for the taskm8 platform:
1. Mangopay platform payment Fees
2. Taskm8 platform fees
Mangopay fees consist of:
1. 1.4% + 20 pence per (Tasker) advert
2. 45 pence to transfer Monies from your (M8) wallet into your bank account ( per transaction)
Taskm8 Platform fees:
1. 10% of the net M8 Fee
If a Tasker removes/cancels the advert/task then the 1.4% + 20p will be deducted from the original price. Learn more about our platform service fees here.