Charity support
Coming soon...

What is taskm8 charity support?

Taskm8 charity support provides registered charity users with a free-of-charge platform where they have the ability to seek support from local and national volunteers. If you require help organising your village fete or a church function, or if you are looking for some “bucket shakers” or “door knockers” then taskm8 charity support provides the perfect platform to gain assistance for your event.

In order to utilise this area of the taskm8 platform you must be a registered charity, this ensures that any support requests are legitimate. During the registration process you will need to confirm your charity number. It is important to note that it is the charity that will be the registered entity and not an individual. Once your application has been processed you will be able to post tasks and request the support you require.

As a registered charity you will have your own support community and volunteers. Dependent upon the size of your organisation this could be many people on a national basis or fewer people within a local community. In order to notify this resource, (via the platform), of your required support, they will need to register, (again free-of-charge), as individuals within your taskm8 charity account.

Secondly there is the existing community within the full taskm8 platform who will all have access to your posted support request within the geographical area you identify. It is the responsibility of the charity to consider and vet the level of safeguarding requirements for any task support requested. Within the taskm8 platform there is an ability to request support from m8’s who hold an enhanced DBS certificate.

How do I register a charity?

Go to taskm8 Home page

Click on the “register” button at the top of the page

Click here “charity support

Complete the relevant fields ( you will need the charity registration number in order to complete the registration)

Our unique api will automatically authenticate your charity ( please be aware, you must have the authority to complete the registration on your charities behalf)

Mate showing an older lady how to use a computer

What are the benefits of taskm8 charity support?

Taskm8 charity support is unique in the benefits it will provide, the site will allow all charities to have access to a substantial amount of resource/support for a charities requirements/needs.

There are over 140,000 charities in the uk, with over 2 million members, imagine what support your charity would be able to achieve if you had access to all the resource within these charities, all at no cost to your respected charity.